The SchooBE Study
The SchooBe Study
also known as
The (DIAD) Study:
Detroit Intergenerational Adversity & Development study
The Detroit Intergenerational Adversity & Development (DIAD) study (formerly SchooBe study) investigates how childhood experiences influence health and development. The study began in 1988, when pregnant women who obtained prenatal care at Hutzel Hospital agreed to participate in a pregnancy study. Their children then went on to participate in the SchooBE study over the course of their childhood. They completed study visits at Wayne State University around ages 7, 14, and 18 years old.
Many of the SchooBE families have remained dedicated to the study throughout their lives, and in 2020, the DIAD study was launched to bring the children involved in the SchooBE study back into Wayne State to continue this work. Participants in this study have already made extremely important contributions to science, with the study findings having been published in 57 papers and guided medical care and public policy.
If you are a participant in the SchooBE or DIAD studies, our study staff are happy to discuss any questions about continued participation in the study. Currently, we are recruiting SchooBE participants for a new study visit. This new study will continue to collect data on trauma exposure, psychopathology, fear potentiated startle, sensory testing, genomics, and parenting style. The study takes around five hours to complete and it can be done all in one day or split between two days, depending on your preference. It pays up to $175 and we also provide lunch and free transportation to and from campus. The purpose of the study is to learn about how stressful and traumatic events affect people's health and thinking. If you're interested in participating or you have any questions, you can reply to this email, call or text us at (313)-744-2811. You can also fill out this quick questionnaire and someone from research team will reach out to you.
You can read more about this study and our participant's opinions in our newsletter here

Let's Keep in Touch!
We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about participating and are looking forward to connecting with you and your family once again!
Please contact us to make sure that we have your current information by calling or texting us at the following number, or filling out the survey below!
(586) 436-2050

contact us!


Detroit Trauma Project
3901 Chrysler Drive
Detroit, MI 48102